Expac (Preston) Ltd
Formulating and Contract Manufacturing bespoke solutions
Expac (Preston) Ltd is a formulator and contract manufacturer and packer, focusing on the personal care, cosmetics, fragrances, household and health sectors.
Our extensive range of products include liquids, creams, gels, waxes, lotions, perfumes, fragrances, talc, body powders and bath salts, packed into a variety of plastic and glass containers, including bottles, tottles, tubes, jars and tubs.
Our team is built around people with established market and product knowledge and proven backgrounds in contract manufacturing. We pride ourselves on the Commercial, R&D, Regulatory and Operational support we offer our clients. We provide a bespoke service, leading edge market knowledge, insight into retailer requirements, a feel for future market opportunities and innovation to enhance your competitive advantage.
Our in-house development lab can formulate simple to complex formulations which are tailored to your specific market needs. This is further supported through our NPD development and testing process, where we will constantly monitor and advise on progress to ensure that the product you require is fully safe, legal and compliant with the laws of the market in which it is sold. The team will support and assist managing your project through the entire NPD process and life cycle management.
With over 30 years of manufacturing experience, our facilities in Preston are BRC, Sedex and Cosmos approved. Our manufacturing is to the highest industry practices and we supply a broad range of retailer and brand owners in multiple category sectors. Our modern 60,000 square feet factory includes dedicated operating zones for liquids blending and filling, powder/granule bending and filling and alcohol blending and filling, together with extensive warehousing and logistics services.
The last few years have seen a tremendous increase in capital investment in the blending and filling capabilities of the site, broadening the range of products, pack types and volumes we can fill. In addition to the operational investment in the facility, there has been significant investment in our people, warehousing, facilities and Management Information Systems, to future proof our business, allowing us to better serve your business now and in the years to come.
The team at Expac (Preston) Ltd is keen to discuss your projects and can be contacted on 01772 453925 or visit our website.